Trips 2 Italy BlogCICERO No. 4 – Anno MMX Introduction of Italy
Aprile 2010 – Vol. 1

Dear Trips2italy’s Friends,
Welcome back to our newsletter!

I would like to introduce you to a little, but delightful, region: Umbria, a peaceful land. Seldom included in the classical Italian tours, its beauty is sometimes underestimated due to its proximity to the most famous Tuscany, although Umbria shines with a beauty all its own.
Italy has always been considered the cradle of art. Whenever you visit it, the occasion of visiting great exhibitions will surely not lack. We recommend the exhibition that will take place in Rimini, Castel Sismondo from October 23rd, 2010 to March 27th, 2011 dedicated to Caravaggio and other painters of the XVI Century.  As you probably know, the adventurous life of Caravaggio also inspired many films.

Then, let’s talk about a jewel in Italian gastronomy: the Parma ham (Prosciutto di Parma). Once you have tasted it, you will not be able to manage without it and you will look for it wherever you live. And please! Beware of imitations!

If you are planning a trip to Italy next summer, and you are not afraid of large crowd, I highly recommend you one of the most spectacular popular events in Italy: the Siena Palio.

At last, a curious news about a singular way of thinking about the environment: there is a place in Italy where donkey are garbage collectors!

Enjoy the reading, enjoy your virtual trip!

Tommaso De Poi
CEO Trips2Italy Group

This Cicero Newsletter feature :
– Umbria : The Land Of Peace And Silence
– Parma : Five Pointed Crown
– Emilia Romagna : Caravaggio: Genius And Dissoluteness
– Tuscany: The “Palio Di Siena”: A Horse Race And Much More
– Sicily: When Donkeys Become Garbage Collectors And Help To Save The Environment