Bellini Drink
[trg_recipe template=”recipe” img_alt=”Bellini Recipe” img_align=”center” summary=”Instantly recognizable due to its striking color reminiscent of a sunset, the Bellini made its debut in the 1940s at Harry’s Bar in Venice. The bar’s jet set clientele, which included the likes of Ernest Hemingway and Humphrey Bogart, ensured that this refreshing drink quickly became popular around the world.” method_heading=”Instructions” other_notes=”Notes: One peach makes enough purée for approximately 2 drinks. If white peaches are unavailable, yellow peaches can be substituted. For a quicker cocktail, though with a different consistency, skip the purée and substitute peach juice or peach nectar.” recipe_cuisine=”Italian” recipe_category=”Drinks” show_tags=”true” cooking_method=”Mixing” cook_time=”” total_time=”5″ author_src=”custom” author_name=”Trips 2 Italy” ing_heading=”Ingredients” ingredients=”%5B%7B%22title%22%3A%22For%20Bellini%3A%22%2C%22list%22%3A%222%20oz%20fresh%20white%20peach%20pur%C3%A9e%20%5Cn4%20oz%20Prosecco%22%7D%5D” recipe_yield=”1 Serving” custom_nutrients=”%5B%7B%22level%22%3A%220%22%2C%22text_style%22%3A%22normal%22%7D%5D” hide_img=”true” hide_nutrition=”true”][trg_recipe_method]

Start by chilling a champagne flute.

To make the peach purée, cut the peach into slices, removing the pit, but leaving the peel.

Blend the peach slices and strain.

Refrigerate for up to one hour (fresh purée is best for this cocktail).

When you are ready to make the drink, pour the peach purée into the flute followed by the Prosecco.

Carefully stir until combined.
