creche nativity scene cribsThe 100 hundred creche exhibition is an event which celebrate one of the old traditions of Italy. In fact, Christmas tree a representation of the moment of the Jesus nativity. The name of this representations in Italian is “presepi” that translated in American English it sounds like “cribs“.

Every year this event is located, in Santa Maria del Popolo Church (Rome) in the Sale of Bramante, three rooms of 350 sqm. The exhibition is divided in different categories: foreign nativity scenes, Christmas cribs, cribs spectacular, fancy cribs and nativity scenes Bodies / Associations / Educational Institutions. This event, that usually lasts about a month, is organized under the patronage of: the President of the Italian Republic and of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI); the Italian Republic Senate; the Chamber of Deputies; the Cabinet Office; Ministry of National Heritage and Culture; Region of Lazio; Rome City Hall and National Italian Municipality Association.

From 1976 this exhibition has got the aim and the goal to bring back the popularity of this tradition among the children and youth. Every crib have to represent the value of peace and fraternity. The idea is to revive the moment where the family gather together around the Christmas tree or before the Christmas day to prepare and design the crib as a symbol and representation of the importance of the family in the society.

Even if the title of the event is 100 Hundred Creche Exhibition, is only a reference from the really first exhibition. In fact, you can find more than 100 hundred cribs in the exhibit, from all over Italy and from 25 different countries. Every year there is also a contest among the cribs that prize the different realizations on different criteria. The cribs are made with different materials like glass, bronze, coral, wood and many others.

This year the 100 Hundred Creche Exhibition will be held from the 27th of November 2014 to the 6th of January 2015.